Building Envelope Certification
BPI envelope certification is the typical next step after obtaining your BPI Building Analyst certification. An Envelope certified technician is typically the lead on home performance retrofit projects. Envelope skills include:
- Advanced testing procedures to determine location and quantity of energy savings to be performed.
- Importance of duct sealing and how ductwork systems interact with other air leaks the home.
- Quantifying performance and prescribed improvements that help tighten the building envelope (shell)
- Identification of methods to stop uncontrolled air leakage and optimize comfort, durability and HV/AC performance
This is typically 5 days of classroom instruction with an additional day the following week for online exam and field testing. The School for Energy Efficiency has an on-site test house for ease of field testing. Students must successfully pass the online written exam and field exam in order to receive BPI certification. Both exams are part of the course and included in the cost.
Prerequisite: Student must have Advanced Building Analyst Certification. We can provide you with 20 BPI Continuing Education Credits if you pass the Envelope exam and field test.
Classes are run at Entech facilities at 145 Railroad Hill Street, Waterbury, CT
This class provides 10 BPI CEUs.